The Heavenly Encouragers Ministry is just what it sounds like! It exists to be a source through which the Lord can work to encourage His people. Many times and in this world it is easy to get discouraged. And the folks that serve in this ministry have a heart to see people lifted up and encouraged. That these people may be reminded of the Lord's love and care for them, that they may be reminded of who they are in Christ, and that they may receive an encouraging word to help them in their current situation(s).
As the Lord lays people on the hearts of the 'encouragers' and as needs are made known, whether these are people inside or outside the church; they will then pray, write a note and/or card, pray over the cards, and then send it on, trusting the Lord to prepare the heart of the recipient.
As one encourager has said "It is a blessing to encourage others."
If you are interested in being part of this most important ministry, please let Pastor Tim know.
Go ahead and be a Barnabas!!!