Chariman: Dale Hodge
The Deacon Ministry at Bethesda is based on Acts 6:1-7. We interpret the Scriptures literally, in that our deacons are truly servants.
How and whom do they serve? To name just a few.....
First, in all they do, they serve the Lord. They help and support the Pastors and church ministries as needed. They take care of the physical church property and lead most of the projects that are required. They assist in the church ordinances of the Lord's Supper and Baptism. They are also available to help you and your family. We do not have a formal family ministry program and families are not assigned to a specific deacon. However, you have access to all the deacons as needed. Please do not hesitate to give them a call.
Your deacons are:
- Dale Hodge Chairman)
- James Duncan
- Ron Weyman
- Dave Leland
Also, please pray for them, their families, and their ministry!